What means
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Commons is an asset over which a community has shared and equal rights. This could, in principle, include land, water, minerals, knowledge, scientific research and software. But at the moment most of these assets have been enclosed: seized by either the state or private interests, and treated like any other form of capital. Through this enclosure we have been deprived of our common wealth." George Monbiot /
P2P Framework P2P (peer-to-peer) is a social economic framework that is centred around three different priorities:
- the need for a ecologically sustainable material economy: a rejection of the pseudo-abundance of an infinite growth economy;
- the need for the open and free sharing of knowledge, culture and information: a rejection of the artificial scarcity induced by excessive Intellectual Property legislation, which should be limited in its capacity to legally prevent the sharing of knowledge;
- solving the issues generated by the two priorities above in a way that promotes and extends social justice.In some ways, we could say that the values of freedom, equality and fraternity are the minimum common ground for discussion in our forum, which is not a home for those that oppose p2p, i.e. neither for those promoting more hierarchy in the form of state absolutism, or those promoting more inequality through market absolutism. Links below are places for pluralistic discussion about how to move forward to a p2p-centric and commons-centric form of society (or at least a society with more p2p and commons elements in its functioning).
Your opinion also matters, and You can feel free to share it with commoners, join discussions, and participate in building the world which fits to all its citizens, all people equally.
More information at:
http://p2pfoundation.net/The_Foundation_for_P2P_Alternatives /
blog.p2pfoundation.net/city-commons-policy-reader/2016/07/22 /
https://www.facebook.com/groups/p2p.open/?ref=br_rs /